July 5, 2017
D Ward InsuranceFlood Insurance, Not Just for Hurricane Season
Atlantic Hurricane season began on June 1, which means that it’s time to examine flood insurance for your home. Though you may be far away from the beach, hurricanes can still make their presence felt with torrential rain which can cause damaging floods. In fact, hurricane-related flooding causes more property damage than hurricane winds. A […]
July 11, 2017
D Ward InsuranceNine Steps to Repairing Your Roof the Right Way
If you have a shingled roof in a hurricane prone area and it’s time to replace your roof, follow the advice in this guide to improve the long-term performance of your new roof. When you’re ready to get started, find a qualified roofing contractor. Proper installation directly impacts a roof’s long-term performance. Take the […]
July 11, 2017
D Ward InsuranceHome Service Line Coverage – Protect Your Pipes!
D. Ward Insurance is proud to announce that Auto-Owners, one of its insurance carriers, now offers Service Line Coverage. Service Line Coverage provides protection against a leak, break, tear, rupture, collapse or arcing of a covered service line caused by the following perils: · Wear and tear · Marring · Deterioration · Hidden decay rust […]
July 12, 2017
D Ward InsuranceHome-Based Businesses Should be Protected, Too
Thought it may be difficult to imagine, the U.S. Small Business Administration says that more than half of all businesses in the U.S. are located out of the home of the business owner. Regrettably, several of those home-based business owners feel that they don’t require any special insurance policies to defend their business from the […]
July 19, 2017
D Ward InsuranceRead This Before You Drive for Uber or Lyft!
Driving for a ride-hailing company like Uber or Lyft can be a great way to make a living or just make some cash on the side. However, the job doesn’t come without risks. You have personal auto insurance, and probably assume that it will cover you in case you get into a wreck. This is […]
July 31, 2017
D Ward InsuranceWorkers Compensation Coverage – A Must-Have for Your Business
Workers compensation laws were created to ensure that employees who are injured on the job are provided with fixed monetary awards. This eliminates the need for litigation and creates an easier process for the employee. It also helps control the financial risks for employers since many states limit the amount an injured employee can recover […]
August 7, 2017
D Ward InsurancePersonal Articles Floaters – Extra Protection for Your Extra Special Possessions
Do you know how much your Homeowners policy will pay in case you lose your guns, jewelry, or fine art collection? Generally, the special limits included in your Homeowners policy are as follows: Fine Arts $1,500 Furs and Jewelry $1,000 (Theft Limit) Guns $2,500 (Theft Limit) Silverware, Goldware, Pewterware $5,000 (Theft Limit) Stamps $1,000 Trading […]
August 11, 2017
D Ward InsuranceRoad Rage – How to Avoid it, How to Protect Yourself
Aggressive driving is a major concern of the American public and a real threat to the safety of all road users. In a survey conducted by the AAA Foundation, nearly 9 in 10 respondents said they believed aggressive drivers were a “somewhat” or “very serious” threat to their personal safety. This same survey found that […]
September 15, 2017
D Ward InsurancePreparing for a Storm
In regard to the recent storms from Hurricane Irma, let’s all make sure the things we can control are in order, such as if the contents of our homes were destroyed. Now is the perfect time to take stock of what we own and document it, so in case a storm does destroy our property, […]
December 19, 2017
D Ward InsuranceProtect Your Home From Winter Weather
Our local meteorologist is predicting single-digit temperatures in the upcoming weeks. It is important to us that we help keep our customers informed on ways they can protect their homes from the damage that can be caused from extreme winter weather. According to “Today’s Homeowner” website, here are a few tips you can follow in order […]